January 14, 2008

February is first-ever Reggae Month

It’s official: Prime Minister Bruce Golding announced on January 11 that this February will be the first-ever “Reggae Month.” What’s behind the move? According to an article on Caribbean Net News, the goal is to “highlight the impact of the musical genre on the country’s social, cultural and economic development.”

How will they manage this goal? Activities are planned to suit all interests including concerts, music showcases, film screenings and academic conferences. The Bob Marley Birthday Dinner will kick-off events on February 6.

However, events are for more than just enjoyment: Through studying and examining the music and considering its social history, officials hope to provide a “framework for that will guide the future development of the music” to ensure its longevity. The negative effects of some of the music – such as undermining social values and degrading women – will also be addressed. Supporting new artists and promoting the genre will also be a focus.

This month's events will hopefully be a lead in for 2009 -- 50th anniversary of reggae music

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